Franzi & Benni
"I would rather share one lifetime with you, than to face all these ages of this world alone." -- Arwen, Lord of the Rings
I was honored to weave the most beautiful Tolkien wedding into memories that last forever. I was excited the whole year before!! My favorite wedding of all times, can't wait to shoot more!
This bond shall last forever
Those two lovebirds are fantasylovers for literally all their life, and it was clear for them that their wedding day, after many years of being together, should seal the deal in the most epic way! It was a beautiful merge between some classical wedding elements, Tolkien-esque gowns and a wonderful cottagecore wedding venue. Some of their guests came in full on costumes, some were to shy to do it, but it merged seaminglessly into a beautiful celebration of LOVE for eternity!
Andúril (Narsil), the sword, was the secret star of the wedding (everybody wanted to hold it!), and all the dancing hobbits were such a delight. But everybody made the day a wonderful, lasting experience. I was so SO happy to be part of this!
Videography: I filmed the whole day!
Here are the highlights:
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Cinematic Portrait (45 sec)
Wedding bond in Arwen & Aragorn Style
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Highlight Video (3,5 min)
Documentation of the ceremony & party
More highlights of this wonderful day (photo & film stills):
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- Gandalf, Lord of the Rings